Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why do people cut themselves?

all that crap about depression is just that...CRAP...i was a cutter and why did i do it? attention...i just wanted people to feel sorry for me and try comfort me... in the beginning the cuts were shallow because i was scared of the pain but as i saw the amount of attention i was getting i would attempt to make them more jagged and deeper. One day i saw someone else who was a cutter and saw how pathetic they were, i saw myself in that i slapped myself around, told myself to stop being a whiny little emo b**ch and do something about it. and you wanna know who were the biggest cutters??? upper middle class white kids with more money and friends than sense, and yes i was one of those...If there is too much pain in life then do something about it, confront that pain head on, kick its *** and make it your slave, you get one life, make it the best one ever...I got out of it with no psych help, because there was no psychosis, just a whiny kid with nothing better to do...Grow up cutters...

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