Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I feel talentless. I've tried lots of things, but I just don't know what I'm good at..?

Lots of people that have this problem are usually high up in the A Honor Roll. I'm not. I am not good at any subject. I used to write but I got bad calluses so I had to quit. I can't draw because of the same problem. I can't sing. I can swim but I can't hold my breath long enough to swim across a 2 foot wide pool. I can't dance. I can't ice skate or rollerskate. I can't bend my body in the way gymnasts do. I can't run a mile.I can't cook. I can't do computers that well. I can't knit. I can't sew. I've taken dance, gymnastics, guitar, swim, and crafts. Nothing fits me. My friends have already found their talents and are going good with them, unlike me who has none.. I've tried so many things that I can't do.. I'm starting to give up on myself. Please don't tell me to go outside and get a life because I'm not the energetic time and if you: Please just accept who I am and don't expect everyone to be happy with themselves.

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