Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What are some fun things to do alone in summer.?

so, I have been on summer vacation for about 2 weeks and so far to tellp you the truth the weather has been extremely crappy! There has been like 2 warm days and the rest has either been rainy or just grey. Not to mention our local pool has really short hours and does not even open on grey, but warm days, when you could still go swimming. I am 14 so, I can't drive and my mom works a lot so on most days I can't like go to a water park, a MLB baseball game, the gym etc. I am not really interested in stuff like knitting, board games, (I already watch way to much tv band play on the computer too much), I like photography and crafts but they get boring after awhile, so I am looking for more exciting and fulfilling activities. I kind of think making like miniature furniture or stuffed animals or clothing would be fun but it never seems to work out. If you could provide links or sewing patterns along with other activities that would be cool! Also if anyone knows what Disney Duffy and Shellie may is I think it would be cool to make clothing or something which my seem kind of lame but whatever :D! Thanks again p.s-sorry if there are spelling mistakes typed this on my iPad:)

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