Friday, July 15, 2011

Thoughts about Scream 4. Possibly spoilers*?

OMG. Where to even start with this movie. I've always been obsessed with all the Screams. (not preferably 3) This one had its ups and downs in my opinion. To start off, half the scenes that were in the previews and trailers were not even in the movie. whats up with that? Also, I loved Kirby. I wanted her to stick around. Let me also say i was disappointed that Gale is not a journalist/writer/news person any more. It's like what has she been doing lately sitting home and knitting? One of my fav. parts of Scream was watching Dewey and Gales tension with each other and in scream 4 he just kept pushing her away.. :( They had such strong connections in the previous screams when they would help Sydney and work with each other as a team. I really missed there sexual tension the most! There married, it should have been so cute between them, and more tragic when Gale got stabbed. Also, Dewey had like no faith in her the entire time, when has that ever happened? ugh! One thing i do love and can give kudos to is the main actors, Dewey,Gale, and Syd. They are so passionate about scream they make it seem real. There acting is phenomenal together even with the 10 year separation. Im glad that Syd finally grew up and seemed to move on more, instead of the poor poor me act. I mean i knew she lost her mom and all this stuff that happened to her is hard but i loved seeing her as a strong mature women confident in herself. I did not seem right to me..having her cousin be the killer.. how fudged up can one family be..really. haha. I heard some thoughts from scream 4 saying that Gale should get killed off. Helll no! Gale is like, my favorite person on Scream. with her personality. She makes it awesome. Kill off Gale, and im out. plus, if syd does end up dying (major tragic ending) she better go down with some sick, crazy, twisted **** after all shes fought threw. I just expected more connection between my 2 personal favorite characters Dewey and Gale and better murders. Its been 10 years, i think they could have added more, made it bigger, went into it with a bang. I think i liked screams 1,2,3 because they were classic. They were the best. No one could compare to scream. It was original. Scream 4 was a mix between trying to keep there originality with a twist of present-ness but i dont think it worked as well as it was thought to be. I guess i just expected more. ON THE UP-SIDE. I did enjoy the movie, seeing them all together again, i so hope there is a 5 (with more connections, sexual tension) The hole Jill thing made no sense to me. I feel like she seemed so innocent and everything, with the other ones we could at least tell the killers were pretty syco but she seemed like a victim, complaining and such and then BAM out of no where shes killing her ex and freaking out and going crazy. WTF? i mean i guess its good for a crazy random surprise but i seemed kind of corny. Keeping it in the fam i guess?? WELL IDK. im all over the place with my thoughts on this. i do want to point out i did like it, just expected more for a 10 year wait i guess. TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS PLEASE!! :)

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