Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I hate my cousin-in-law with a passion...any advice?

My super-sweet older cousin married this asshole about 6 or 7 years ago. My cousin and I are very close, therefore, we see one another quite regularly. However, now when she's around, he's there too. Unfortunately for me he is the WORST kind of person. He's nosy as hell, obnoxious, pretentious, manipulative, opinionated, phony, stuck-up, cheap, and worst of all - he has a superiority complex. He's also a "mama's boy", which irritates me to no end. His mother has never liked my cousin and has made her cry with her mean and vicious comments on several occasions, yet he has never come to her defense...he's even been the one to deliver his mothers nasty messages to her on more than one occasion. Yet she still married him, and now they have a 7-month-old baby. Obviously I am very excited about the baby, but to my dismay, this also means that he is now definitely around for the long haul. Sometimes I can't believe how incredibly unlikable he is, and I am equally as disturbed by how no one else in my tight-knit family seems to have the gaul to say or do anything about his behaviour. I am completely sick and tired of him and his high-horse attitude, but I don't want to say anything to him because I know that it would totally stress my cousin out, and put a serious strain on our relationship. However, I am running very low on patience and I fear that I may snap soon. If anyone has ANY advice on how to deal with this please don't be shy :) thanks in advance!

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