Sunday, July 10, 2011

Do I sound like someone with Asperger's?

Heya, I am Kristy and am 18 years old. To abridge an incredibly long story, I have felt like an "outsider" for virtually my entire life. I never really had friends growing up, because people did not like me. Most of my classmates teased me, because they thought I was overly hyper and annoying. I also freaked out a lot, and there are certain things that SIGNIFICANTLY upset me. They include spiders, moths, bees, mice, bats, birds, and clowns. (Even if I solely look at any of the visual stimuli I just mentioned, I shudder tremendously) I also hate to be licked by a dog. Eww! I used to cry if a spider touched me or a moth flew into me. I also tend to say things to people that they think is rude or something I should not be uttering. Also, I have a few really strong interests. They include learning about movies (particularly about the actors and actresses and the other movies they have been in), memorizing U.S. cities, and music trivia. I have also had a few BF's but did not stay with them for too long, because they either thought I was crazy, too lively, or just plain immature. So do I sound like an Aspy or not?

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